Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology
Postdeadline abstracts are welcome


Financial support

The deadline for financial support was on March 10, 2024. New requests will be ignored.

Financial support mentioned below is fully covered by SPPT organizers. Only those, who will be not older than 35 years on December 31, 2024 and are from countries with Gross National Income (GNI) per capita at purchasing power parity (PPP) lower than 20,000 USD can apply for financial support.
(For list of countries see
List is derived from the World Bank data
Unfortunately, because the SPPT is almost entirely dependent on registration fees drawings and having no idea about the number of participants, the SPPT organizers can guarantee now (in January 2024), that at least one applicant with a contribution accepted will be financed. If the conditions are more prosperous, this number will be increased up to three applicants.

The deadline for financial support was on March 10, 2024. New requests will be ignored.

Applications for financial support has to be sent in PDF format to the SPPT organizing committee not later than on March 10, 2024 to e-mail: Enable images and Javascript to see conference e-mail address. together with two reference letters sent directly by referees to the same address (and to be delivered not later than on March 10, 2024). Before making this request, you must have obtained an SPPT Personal Identification Number (PIN) at registration, and must be one of the authors of a contribution that has been submitted to the symposium.

The deadline for financial support was on March 10, 2024. New requests will be ignored.

Applications for funding are expected to include all the following information that might apply:

Please indicate also:

Recipients are obliged to submit the full text of their contribution.

Referee letter should inform about personal experience of the referee with scientific work of the applicant.

Note please:

The deadline for financial support was on March 10, 2024. New requests will be ignored.
Our supporters (for details click on the company logo):